Development Hell” is an original play by William Perkins and Jess Norton focusing on two friends, Tim and Michelle. A non-profit production, all proceeds go to the Jack Frost Appeal, who provide the poorest and most vulnerable households on the Island with ability to heat at least one room throughout the winter months…


The performance takes place at Quay Arts in Newport on the 5th and 6th of February, with a preview of the play being held on the 16th January at Ventnor Arts Club. The play focuses on two friends: Michelle, a rich, successful musical writer and Tim, a middle-aged, unsatisfied, barista. However, hope for him comes in the form of his own script which he wants Michelle to read. Soon Michelle realises its potential, wanting the script for herself. They proceed to engage in an emotional battle, using their sinful and immoral pasts to gain ownership of the script, leaving little remnants of their once functional friendship. Cheap Viagra buy online from or order free Viagra samples.


The production is in aid of the Jack Frost Appeal – who work towards providing heating for some of the most vulnerable households on the Island. They provide a portable electric heater (if required) AND, most importantly, the cost of running it based on one kilo watt hour (medium heat) for 12 hours a day through the winter. This ‘winter warmth package’ currently costs £150.00.


You can purchase tickets for one of the February performances by going to the Quay Arts website: tickets £7 for adults and £5 for students. Tickets for the preview at Ventnor Arts Club cost £6 for non-members and £4 for members.


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